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Depletion.- A reasonable charge for the depletion of any Government-owned helium-bearing gas properties used in production of market helium during said year (not including items covered by operating cost), computed on a basis that can be expected to amortize the cost of acquiring and developing such properties by the end of their productive lives.

Interest.- Interest for said year at the rate of 3 1/2 per centum on capital expended after September 1, 1937 (except from the special fund established in subsection (c) of Section 3 of the said Act), for properties, facilities, and helium-bearing gas lands used for production of market helium during said year, and not yet amortized through charges for depreciation and depletion.

(b)  Service charges shall be determined by the Bureau of Mines on the basis of the cost to the Government of rendering the service, making due allowance for contingencies, overhead expense, and intangible factors. As conditions permit, the said Bureau shall prepare schedules of charges for service items of substantially uniform cost, which schedules shall be made known to purchasers of helium and be effective until modified by the Bureau of Mines. 

(c) The actual cost plus service charges for a fiscal year (for use in adjusting deposits as provided in Section 7 hereof) under each contract shall be: 

(1) The actual cost per unit of helium for that fiscal year (as computed by the Bureau of Mines and approved by the Secretary of the Interior) times the number of units of helium delivered under that contract during said year, plus

(2) All service charges entered against that contract during said year:

Provided, however, That the minimum to be included in said actual cost plus service charges on account of the helium in any one shipment under such contract, and the delivery of such helium, shall be $10.00 plus all service charges attributable to that shipment. 

Section 5.

(a) On or before the beginning of each fiscal year, the Bureau of Mines shall prepare an estimate of the cost per unit of helium for that fiscal year, based on operating conditions and the expected volume of deliveries, as indicated by information received from Governmental departments, commercial interests using helium, and any other available sources. After approval of
