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General Information

  This catalog lists information regarding items sold by the Coast and Geodetic Survey of the Department of Commerce and its authorized sales agents. An index appears on page 60. 
  Purchases may be made from any of the sales agents listed in this catalog. However, if ordering by mail of the United States Coast and Geodetics Survey and not by name to any individual. Money is unsafe except by registered mail. Postage stamps can not be accepted. Order by catalog number only. 
  Nautical charts are grouped in the following order: Atlantic and Gulf coasts, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, the Pacific coast, Alaska, the Hawaiian and Guam, and the Philippine Islands. A numerical arrangement appears in the back, for ready reference to page and price.
  There are also listed United States coast pilots and intercoastal waterways (inside route) pilots, tide tables, current tables, tidal current charts, airway maps, miscellaneous maps and plans, and Philippine topographic maps and books on triangulations.
  Catalogs are issued annually. The annual list of publications of the Department of Commerce, free on application, lists the many other publications of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, covering its activities in hydrography, tides, currents, geodesy, terrestrial magnetism, and seismology.
  Notice to Mariners (United States), a weekly leaflet issued jointly with the Bureau of Lighthouses of the Department of Commerce, is free to those who desire copies regularly. It may be consulted at the sales agencies listed herein and at all United States customhouses, lighthouse offices, hydrographic offices, and consulates abroad. A separate Notice to Mariners (Philippine Islands) is published by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey field station at Manila. Notice to Mariners is issued as a safety aid, to keep mariners advised of constant changes so they may keep their nautical charts and coast pilots up to date. New charts, new editions of charts, and new publications, are also announced therein.

Nautical Charts

  Published primarily for navigational use, nautical charts portray the water areas rather than the land. As they are not designed as topographic maps, but a strip of topography extending a short distance inland is usually shown and back of this only important landmarks visible at sea are included.
  Field Surveys are made on much larger scales than those on which the charts are published. The larger scales permit the showing of greater detail and provide a more comprehensive record of conditions existing at the specific time the survey was made. The chart is also frequently a compilation of data secured at different times. One portion, comprising an unchanged area, may be based upon a survey of years ago, while another part, subject to natural or artificial changes, shows the results of very recent surveys. When information is desired on a larger scale than that of the chart, or where the actual date applicable to the information shown becomes of importance, the public is frequently better served by having recourse to original survey records, copies of which are available at the nominal cost of reproduction.
  Nautical charts are constructed on different scales, to adapt them to varied navigational purposes. Small-scale charts include large areas, suited to off-shore navigation; large-scale charts cover small areas, suited to alongshore navigation. They are grouped in the following order, the limit of each chart being graphically shown on diagrams facing the page on which it is listed.
  Sailing charts. -Scales from 1:600,000 to 1:4,500,00. Intended to fix the navigator's position as he approaches the coast from the open ocean or when sailing between distant coast ports. They show offshore soundings, the principal lights and outer buoys and natural landmarks visible at considerable distance. 
  General charts of the coast. -Scales from 1:180,000 to 1:400,000. Designed for coastwise navigation, when a vessel's course would mostly be within sight of land, with her position fixed by landmarks, lights, outer buoys, and characteristic soundings.
  Coast charts. -Scales from 1:80,000 to 1:100,000. Prepared for close coastwise navigation, when a vessel's course would carry her inside outlying reefs and shoals; also for entering bays and harbors of considerable width and for navigating large in land waterways. 
  Harbor charts. -Scales from 1:5,000 to 1:40,000. Planned for navigation of harbors and small waterways.
  Intracoastal waterways (inside route) charts. -Scales from 1:80,000 to 1:400,000. Embrace inside route from Norfolk to Key West.

Scale Equivalents
  The following table gives the lengths of nautical and statute miles on the several scales named, these scales being the proportionate size of the chart to nature. For example, in scale 1:1,200, the chart is 1:1,200 part of the actual linear dimensions in nature (or 100 feet to the inch), equal to 60.8 inches to a nautical mile, and 52.8 inches to a statute mile.

[[5 columned Table]]
| Scale | Nautical Mile | Statute Mile |
|   | Inches | Centimeters | Inches | Centimeters |
| 1:1, 200 | 60.803 | 154.44 | 52.800 | 134.11 |
| 1:2, 400 | 30.401 | 77.22 | 26.400 | 67.06|
| 1:4, 800 | 15.201 | 38.61 | 13.200 | 33.53 |
| 1:5, 000 | 14.593 | 37.06 | 12.672 | 32.19 |
| 1:10, 000 | 7.296 | 18.53 | 6.336 | 16.09 |
| 1:15, 000 | 4.864 | 12.36 | 4.224 | 10.73 |
| 1:20, 000 | 3.648 | 9.27 | 3.168 | 8.05 |
| 1:30, 000 | 2.432 | 6.18 | 2.112 | 5.36 |
| 1:40, 200 | 1.824 | 4.63 | 1.584 | 4.02 |
| 1:50, 200 | 1.459 | 3.71 | 1.267 | 3.22 |
| 1:60, 200 | 1.216 | 3.09 | 1.056 | 2.68 |
| 1:80, 200 | .912 | 2.32 | .792 | 2.01 |
| 1:100, 200 | .730 | 1.85 | .634 | 1.61 |
| 1:200, 200 | .365 | .93 | .317 | .80 |
| 1:400, 200 | .182 | .46 | .158 | .40 |
| 1:1, 000, 000 | .073 | .18 | .063 | .16 |
| 1:1, 200, 000 | .061 | .15 | .053 | .13 |

Transcription Notes:
Table --> The table includes a main headings section (that includes only 3 headings) as well as a subheading section(that includes 4 headings/columns). The first column main heading "Scale" is merged with the cell in the below row. The second main heading "Nautical Mile" is merged with the cell directly to the right, and has two subheadings nested in columns below "Inches" and "centimeters". The third main heading "Statute Mile" is merged with the cell directly to the right, and has two subheadings nested in columns below "Inches" and "centimeters".