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[[7 Columned Table]]
| No. | Price | Title | State | Scale | Size of boarder (inches) | Date |
| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
234|$0.25|Cape May Harbor|New Jersey|1:10,000|18x25|1933
280|.75|Philadelphia and Camden waterfronts|Pa. and N.J.|1:15,000|34x41|1933
294|.75|Delaware River-Bombay Hook to Wilmington|N.J. and Del.|1:40,000|29x45|1933
295|.75|Delaware River-Wilmington to Philadelphia|N.J. and Pa.|1:40,000|32x43|1933
296|.50|Delaware River-Philadelphia to Trenton|do|1:40,000|28x33|1933
 | |Trenton| |1:20,000| |
379|.25|Cape Henlopen and the Delaware Breakwater|Delaware|1:20,000|21x27|1933
400|Hampton Roads|Virginia|1:20,000|34x41|1931
452|.75|Norfolk Harbor to Elizabeth River|do|1:20,000|33x41|1933
481|.75|Cape Henry to Thimble Shoal Light|do|1:20,000|29x43|1930
492|.75|York River, Bellow Kings Creek|do|1:20,000|31x45|1934
494|.75|York River, entrance to Yorktown|do|1:40,000|32x41|1933
495|.75|York River, Yorktown to Westpoint|do|1:40,000|31x40|1931
504|.75|Pamunkey and Mattaponi Rivers|do|1:40,000|34x41|1931
529|.75|James River, Newport News to Jamestown|do|1:40,000|34x40|1932
530|.50|James River, Jamestown Island to Jordan Point|do|1:40,000|21x41|1932
531|.75|James River, Jordan Point to Richmond|do|1:20,000|31x41|1931
534|.75|Rappahannock River Entrance and Great Wicomico River|do|1:40,000|33x42|1933
535|.75|Rappahannock River-Towles Point to Marsh Point|do|1:40,000|33x40|1932
536|.75|Rappahannock River_Marsh Point to Fredericksburg|do|1:20,000|32x41|1932
539|.75|Patuxent River|Maryland|1:40,000|32x38|1909
545|.75|Baltimore Harbor|do|1:15,000|30x40|1934
548|.75|Chester River|do|1:40,000|33x34|1912
549|.75|Approaches to Baltimore Harbor|do|1:40,000|33x39|1933
557|.75|Potomac River, entrance to Piney Point|Md. and Va.|1:40,000|35x40|1930
558|.75|Potomac River, Piney Point to Lower Cedar Point|do|1:40,000|34x45|1932
559|.75|Potomac River, Lower Cedar Point to Mattawoman Creek|do|1:40,000|30x39|1929
560|.75|Potomac River, Mattawoman Creek to Georgetown|Md. Va., and D.C.|1:40,000|29x40|1933
 | | Washington Harbor| |1:20,000| |
566|.75|Chesapeake Bay-Thomas Point to Sandy Point|Maryland|1:20,000|32x34|1933
1216|.75|Sea Girt Light to Little Egg Inlet|New Jersey|1:80,000|33x39|1933
 | |Little Egg Inlet| |1:40,000| |
1217|.75|Little Egg Inlet to Hereford Inlet|New Jersey|1:80,000|32x41|1933
 | |Absecon Inlet| |1:40,000| |
1218|.75|Delaware Bay|N.J. and Del.|1:80,000|31x38|1932
1219|.75|Cape May to Fenwick Island Light|do|1:80,000|32x38|1931
1220|.75|Fenwick Island Light to Chincoteague Inlet|Md. and Va.|1:80,000|33x38|1931
1221|.75|Chincoteague Inlet to Hog Island Light|Virginia|1:80,000|31x41|1928
1222|.75|Chesapeake Bay Entrance|do|1:80,000|33x43|1930
1223|.75|Chesapeake Bay-Wolf Trap to Smith Point|Md. and Va.|1:80,000|31x39|1932
1224|.75|Chesapeake Bay-Smith Point to Cove Point|do|1:80,000|30x41|1934
1225|.75|Chesapeake Bay-Cove Point to Sandy Point|Maryland|1:80,000|35x38|1933
1226|.75|Chesapeake Bay-Sandy Point to Head of Bay|do|1:80,000|34x38|1934
 | |Back Creek| |1:20,000| | 
