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[Obtained only from the Secretary General. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco (Principality). The edition required should be specified. Payment to be made by check or international postal order, payable at Monte-Carlo, in U.S.A. dollars or French francs at current rate of exchange. Stamps, money, and bank notes not accepted]

I. INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC CONFERENCES (London, 1919; Monaco, 1926; Monaco, 1929).
Reports of Proceedings. Price, each, $2.50.
Repertory of Resolutions adopted by these 3 Conferences. Price, 50 cents. (Postage extra.)
*No. 1. Echo Sounding (December, 1923). Price, 10 cents.
*No. 2. Report on Observations of Lights Made in the United Kingdom (March, 1924). Price, 10 cents.
*No. 3. Echo Sounding (October, 1924). Price, 10 cents.
*No. 4. Echo Sounding (March, 1925). Price, 10 cents.
*No. 5. International Low Water (March, 1925). Price, 10 cents.
*No. 6. Summary of Data on Uniformity in Buoyage and Buoy Lighting (August, 1925). Price, 10 cents.
Illustrated Tabulation (3 sheets). Price, 60 cents.
No. 6a. Further Summary of Data on Uniformity in Buoyage and Buoy Lighting (October, 1925). Price, 10 cents.
No. 7. Report on the Observations of Visibility of Lights (August, 1925). Price, 10 cents.
No. 8. Summary of Data on Uniformity in Storm Warning Signals (December, 1925). Price, 10 cents.
Illustrated Tabulation (3 sheets). Price, 60 cents.
No. 8a. Further Summary of Data on Uniformity in Storm Warning Signals (July, 1926). Price, 10 cents.
*No. 9. Unification of Buoyage (January, 1926). Price, 10 cents.
* No. 10. International Low Water (January, 1926). Price, 20 cents.
No. 11. Summary of Data on Wind Force and the Beaufort Scale (April, 1926). Price, 10 cents.
No. 12. Investigation of Harmonic Constants; Prediction of Tides and Currents, and their description by means of these Constants (May, 1926). Price, 50 cents.
No. 12a. Table of Harmonic Constants. Price, 50 cents.
No. 13. Tide Predicting Machines (July, 1926). Price, $2.00.
*No. 14. Echo Sounding (August, 1926). Price, 30 cents.
*No. 15. Summary of Data on Coastal Signals, with proposals for their unification (April, 1926). Price, 20 cents.
*No. 16. Summary of Data on Port Signals (July, 1926). Price, 20 cents. Illustrated Tabulation (10 sheets). Price, $2.00.
*No. 17. Summary of Data on Safety of Life at Sea (January, 1927). Price, 40 cents.
No. 18. List of Life-saving Stations (2d edition, July, 1928). Suppl. No. V, May 1931. Price, 30 cents.
*No. 19. Ocean Currents in Relation to Oceanography, Marine Biology, Meteorology, and Hydrography (March 1927). Price, 30 cents.
No. 20. General List, arranged by Ocean and Historical cards of Shoals of doubtful existence and of Shoals the positions of which are doubtful or approximate (January, 1928). Price, 30 cents.
2d edition. Part A, North Atlantic Ocean (January, 1932). Price, 10 cents.
Part B, South Atlantic Ocean (January, 1932). Price, 10 cents.
Part C, Indian Ocean (January, 1932). Price, 10 cents.
Part D, North Pacific Ocean (January, 1933).
Part E, South Pacific Ocean (July, 1933).
No. 21. Table of Meridional Parts (December, 1928). Price, 60 cents.
No. 22. Manual of Symbols and Abbreviations (September, 1928). Price, $1.00.
No. 22a Tabulation of the Principal Characteristics of Lights. Price, 10 cents.
No. 22b. Beaufort Scale (December, 1931) Price, 10 cents.
No. 22c. Terminology of Submarine Relief (January, 1932). Price, 10 cents.
No. 23. Limits of Oceans and Seas (August, 1928). Price, 35 cents.
No. 24. List of Geographical Positions, part 1 (April, 1930). Price, $1.00
No. 24a. List of Geographical Positions, part 2 (February, 1931). Price, $1.50.
No. 25. Catalog of Original Charts, part 1 (Seas of Europe) (April, 1929), with supplement 1932. Price, 50 cents.
No. 25a. Catalog of Original Charts, Part II (Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean) (May, 1931), with supplement, 1932. Price, 50 cents.
No. 26. List of Harmonic Constants (March, 1931). Price, $1.00.
No. 27. General Repertory of Original Nautical Documents issued by Hydrographic Offices (November, 1931). Price, $1.00.
No. 28. Vocabulary concerning Tides (March, 1932). Price, 10 cents.
No. 29. Vocabulary concerning Fog Signals (November, 1933). Price, 10 cents.
C-1. Planisphere, Mercator Proj.,scale on Eq. 1:45,000,000—39" x 20". Price, 30 cents.
C-2. Reproduction of Mercator's Chart, 1569, 18 sheets. Price, $10.00.
V. HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW, published in May and November of each year since 1923 (except in November, 1923, and November, 1926). Each number forms one volume 8vo., 11" by 7 1/2", illustrated, of from 250 to 300 pages. Price (postage extra) $2.00. Subscriptions for 2 or more consecutive numbers, if sold direct and prepaid, cost $1.80 each (postage free). Price per number to Administrations and Naval Officers of the States members of the Bureau (postage extra) $1.00. Tables of contents of numbers previously published sent free on request.
VI. HYDROGRAPHIC BULLETIN (bilingual, English-French), published each month, commencing January, 1928. Price per number (postage extra), 20 cents. Price per 12 consecutive numbers, $2.00, postage free. A reduction of 50 per cent on these prices is allowed to Administrations and Naval officers of States Members of the Bureau.
VII. YEAR BOOK (bilingual, English-French), published each year, commencing January, 1928. One volume, giving the titles, addresses, etc., of hydrographers all over the world. Price (postage extra), bound in leather, $2.00, in paper, $1.00.

There are English and French editions of all publications with the exception of the Report of Proceedings of the International Hydrographic Conference, London, 1919, which is issued in English only, and the Hydrographic Bulletin and Year Book, which are both bilingual.

* Reproduced in the Hydrographic Review which follows their issue.