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wonderful friends in so many ways - & yet we demand too much of each other - & the difference in our backgrounds is part of the usual adjustment.

I haven't forgotten about Florence! Poyo has taken me all over it, till he felt sick today, & what he knows astounds me! I am absolutely overpowered by Micheal Angelo. It was the way I felt about the Acropolis - that at first I had seen so many post cards & heard so much about it that I thought I didn't need to see it. Well it was so [[strikethrough]] much [[/strikethrough]] colossal - & in its setting such a glorious vision that only the clouds above it & the small scale of Athens below it could give me [[strikethrough]] a sense that [[/strikethrough]] its real meaning. Micheal Angelo, like the Parthenon is a real experience - & an overpowering one - of the kind which makes one tremble in bed to think of how many stars there are and how many light years away they are!! Poyo knows all these things well, & will scorn me, as a sculptor, till I do. But if I had ever known of this before, I would know as much, & seeing things with him makes a doubly fine experience of it. I went alone today to see the slaves - & the Uffizi, & already since coming to Italy I have many new ideas & infinite respect & interest. I also have learned a lot! Marriage & art can run beautifully side by side, but marriage, as a [[strikethrough]] an experience suddenly [[/strikethrough]] sudden experience - interrupts art. Just now it is beginning not to - thanks to Poyo!

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