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[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
Nov 25th / 35
14th Day   352 Days to com

I arrived in St Anton yesterday, & ever [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] since then I have felt lonely & bored & somewhat sorry [[strikethrough]] sorry [[/strikethrough]] I've come. At the train Alice seemed forced & queer - which I later found out was because Dudley has been horrible just lately, after being swell up until then, & Spiss was sweet & happy, but with Dudley there I didn't feel natural with Spiss, so I squelched every bit of affectionate fun Spiss [[strikethrough]] sha [[/strikethrough]] tried to have with me. 

Then Hermann came down the path & I felt I looked so unattractive that I was mean to him, & when I found they had met me three times the day before I felt terribly not to have wired sooner & this must have taken some of the glamour out of my arrival. [[strikethrough]] Last night [[/strikethrough]] I was so full of English & French language that I couldn't speak or understand German, & I was so tired that I was hardly conscious. Then Alice told me her troubles, & Mariele etc. & I felt somehow that all these confidances were getting to involved to be natural -

[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1936
15th Day   351 Days to come

& would soon be dangerous. Last night Alice felt sick, so I had to dine with D & Enid Lloyd  - & listen to her ego for hours. She is so amusing for an hour, & so boring after that, & she reminds me so much of Sarah that I feel continually annoyed.

There is no one here - & that would be lovely if Hermann & Alice were always around & natural as before, but Alice is strained on account of D, & H never comes to A's sitting room or hangs around the way he used to because of D, so there is no fun here. Today Hannes & Alice & D & Johann F [[strikethrough]] &  I [[/strikethrough]] Schubert & everyone but H & I went shooting in Petnois [[Pettneu]] at 7 A.M., & H & I followed at 10 A.M. just to see animals & meet up with them. The result was that H & I hardly spoke the whole day, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] & I kept thinking when I asked an unanswered question "I've come all the way across the ocean just to see you, & when I arrive, you won't even answer a question I ask." Well that sounds ridiculous, but there is more truth than poetry in it.