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[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
68th Day  2nd Sunday in Lent  298 Days to come


Today Dudley drove Betty & me to Munich - after Alice's big party last night, [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] to which Paddy Greene had [[strikethrough]] come [[/strikethrough]] been asked for me. At first we got on beautifully, but I evidently got too serious or personal or something, because in the end we had nothing to say & he went off with Helen! I ended up with Dick Scotts party & went home at 2 am. & woke up at 8:20 to find that Hanni & I were to go skiing with Alec Bright at 8:30! We rushed beyond words - & had a lovely tour down the Horn under a beautiful sunny sky, ending up by the men's slalom, which Pnur [[Pfnür]] won, 2nded by Lantschner, & [[strikethrough]] which I [[/strikethrough]] during which I had to pack. 

I went straight to see Fritz Müller here. His sister told me a roundabout way to his attelier - & he greeted me in a most friendly way. Henry had told me how rude he was to Frau Schmidt, & how awful he can be, so that I was amazed by his sweetness & interest up to that point, [[strikethrough]] that he didn't [[/strikethrough]] but he didn't [[strikethrough]] ask [[/strikethrough]] invite me to do 

[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
69th Day   297 Days to come

anything except come back tomorrow & see his work even if he wasn't there. I have lost so much social confidence lately in the last two months that I was hurt not to be asked by him more than that. He said he'd love to have me meet Berg, but he couldn't think up a way of doing it as Berg is outside of Munich. I had expected him to be hideous & nasty, & instead he is charming looking, with a bony sensitive face, and such a bright and kind expression as I have rarely seen. He is so quick and humorous & sympatisch, & yet he has that burning up look that Fuller Potter has. When I saw his face I believed all of what Henry has [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] made me half believe about his powers. His strange distorted work was everywhere - showing tortured morbid feelings of his own like Bob Kittredges work, but I will have to look at it carefully tomorrow before I can say I have gotten anything out of it. I can't imagine anyone ordering work from him, & only a rare type of person would buy it

[[top margin]] The only difference I can percieve now in Germany from the last time I was there (3 yrs ago) is that there are no Jews anywhere, & everyone heils each other. [[/top margin]]