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[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
96th Day 6th Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday) 270 Days to come

an experiment which should have resulted with bisodol, but instead they got effervescence.  As we neared Southampton one said, "Oh [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] look at the Queen Mary" pointing to a factory building all lit up, & the [[strikethrough]] other came rushing [[/strikethrough]] answer was "so's your Aunt Tillie." 

Mr Davis came into my cabin when we were on board [[strikethrough]] and was very friendly, but I said [[/strikethrough]] & when he looked at my gramophone he drawled, "Oh, so we're goin' to have some music. [[strikethrough]] It was a [[/strikethrough]] He feels the way Paul does about gramophones so that was a poor start. He took me in to see Mrs. Davis at midnight - & they asked me to have my meals with them. I am right near them, so he is going to know whenever I play the gramophone, & how late I sleep in the morning, & I'm going to have to eat lunch & dinner daily, so my hopes for privacy & day dreaming & sleeping are done for, but it will be interesting & good for me. We all dined together tonight - Admiral Stanley & two bright youths - one of whom is brilliant I'm sure - but unlikable, & the other more human. I feel like a Swann out of water already with them.

about London
[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
97th Day Monday in Holy Week Army Day 269 Days to come

cont S.S. Wash

I wonder so much how K feels now, because that last night just might have proved to him how much of his idealistic illusions were brought about by infatuation. I don't know how much there was left the day I left, because he wasn't so effusive & miserable as he [[strikethrough]] woul [[/strikethrough]} has been at times, & all I can remember his saying was that he was going to go out as much as possible now, so as not to think too much about me, & that he couldn't believe I was leaving, & that it had been heaven. It is nice to have the Davis's on board - & I had had tea with Mrs D in London, & then taken Kenneth there one day to meet her which he enjoyed. Before leaving I put my finger in some pies about my zoo book - through Beddington - that jew artist friend of Kenneths who advised me to take it to Tucks.  [[strikethrough]] that nigh [[/strikethrough]} He & K & I had met in the Bath Club, & John had said while Beddington was admiring my book "I'll sell you my copy for 5 bob". Kenneth said he wouldn't dream of buying it for so little, & he wouldn't even buy it for 5 guineas, which very sweetly put John in his place. John