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Catching up
[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]

104th Day  Monday in Easter Week  262 Days to come
Thomas Jefferson - Born 1743
St Anton  S.S. Wash

& [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Alice are marvelous hunters, & God knows how they can go as far & fast "hinauf" as they do. I adore Dr Wagner - she is the essence of beauty & smartness & femininity & gracious tact & all around charming manners. She told Alice that I am "a treasure" - but then she [[strikethrough]] likes [[/strikethrough]] loves everyone & everyone loves her. So much for that - inadequate as it is - for as far as animals go I shall never forget such an experience, & I drew my recollections of it as soon as I got back. 

I have jotted down too briefly a note about people speaking of their conscious wants, when really it is some unconscious wish that [[strikethrough]] turns it it out [[/strikethrough]] manifests itself in some other form in their conscious, & that no one can know themselves really well in that their conscious mind is continually playing tricks on their subconscious, & vice versa, but as I don't recalling whole idea, I only jot this down in case I will remember it in the future

Catching up.

[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
105th Day  Tuesday in Easter Week  261 Days to come
Lincoln Assassinated 1865

St Anton  S.S. Wash.

& write about it in full. Another [[strikethrough]] typical [[/strikethrough]] little jotting down consisted of a typical example of the fun I kept continually missing just on account of training for that damn team. It was the day before Kenneth left & I was to leave the day after that, & [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] was recovering from my most recent illness & deserved an easy restful day. The others were going up Mattoonjoch [[Mathunjoch]] which I couldn't face, but as I hadn't been allowed to ski once with Kenneth or John the whole time they were there, I invited K to come up Mattoonjoch [[strikethrough]], & then told Otto & Alice that I [[/strikethrough]] with me & the team. Otto hadn't liked the idea, & when the next a.m. came I decided I was too tired to do it after all, & Otto understood perfectly, so I told K I'd go down the Waldschingel with him instead. When Otto & Alice heard that they were furious. They said either I must do what the team did or nothing at all. So the result was K went all alone & I did nothing. We