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S.S. Wash.   catching up
[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
108th Day    258 Days to come

last day St Anton

was so easy & slow that I could have gone much faster, but I refused to fall, & the only stupid thing I did was to stick one ski point into the side of the path & had to unstick it in a very slow part - so that I had to langlauf much too much. I did it in 6 min 1 second - 10 seconds quicker than Dudley, & exactly the same as Marion - who had a [[strikethrough]] bad [[/strikethrough]] fall, [[strikethrough]] & G [[/strikethrough]] but Grace did it in 5 25. Marion went much faster, but still, if she was stupid enough to fall, then I did just as well. I wasn't well trained - but I was furious I didn't go faster. All the same it was a lovely end to my winter there, as it was about the only concrete evidence I got that I can ski a little with my head even in a race, & when they gave out the [[strikethrough]] eag [[/strikethrough]] golden eagle everyone clapped with what I interpreted as real affection. I [[strikethrough]] I think at tea [[/strikethrough]]  I [[strikethrough]] was hearing an uproarious roaring with laughter with Dot & Kattie in very [[/strikethrough]] was having an uproarious time packing in my room [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] afterwards with Dot & 

S.S. Wash.    catching up
last day 
[[strikethrough]] JUNE [[/strikethrough]]
St Anton & trip to London

Date   CASH   Rec'd   Paid

Kathie when lo & behold in walked Dickie Delano! I was so pleased & surprised to see him - & he joined us later for tea - but it was too short - & after drinking too many cocktails & telling each other that we both thought each other remarkably nice - it was time for me to reel on to take my train & say goodbye to Alice & everyone. It was awful saying goodbye to Hermann - so forced & unlike the other years, & I was very disagreeable because I felt like crying. I dined with the Colemans on the train who were with a doctor who said he thought Tutzing's hernia might be serious, so before I knew it, I had decided to get off in Zurich instead of Calais to take her to the doctor that night as I was very worried. I woke up the vets in the Tierspital at midnight - & my taxi man joined in with great sympathy while they overhawled little Tutzing. They kept her overnight - & the next day said

Transcription Notes:
Tierspital - animal hospital (German)