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[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
110th Day  1st Sunday after Easter (Low Sunday) Patriot's Day (Mass., Me.)  256 Days to come

cont   S.S. Wash.

if he was any relation of Judge Davis from Tennessee. Mr Davis said he wasn't, & the Captain went on talking about him for awhile, & it turned out that judge Davis & Norman Davis are brothers, but [[strikethrough]] Mr [[/strikethrough]] Norman had just never thought of his brother as "juidge" (as his tennessean drawl pronounced it)! While I was  asleep this a.m. apparently a woman jumped overboard. The captain said she was a Lithuanian of 37 who had been in a tourist cabin with three other people who said she had been behaving very oddly & nervously. Somehow as one of them was a trained nurse I should think they ought to have foreseen that possibilit, though she must have done it at the spur of the moment, because it [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] was such an expensive method having just paid her passage. 

It gives me the willies to hear how easy it is, & how hopeless to save someone especially at night. I learned tonight that three or four suicides occur yearly on each boat, & that the 

about London
[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
111th Day  Easter Even  255 Days to come

cont.    S.S. Wash

Thames has more boat traffic a thousand daily than any other [[strikethrough]] rive body of w [[/strikethrough]] river in the world, though the Hudson has more tonnage. To return to London - I wrote to Dot one day & couldn't resist writing her this sordid "Rhyme Dictionary" indulgence about Rudy Light

[[circled]] 1. [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] To Rudy Light [[/strikethrough]] "This Song I Write" 

To Rudy Light 
Whose one delight
is to get Tight
most every night.

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]
A doctor's right 
To [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] be he might
till dawn shines bright
o'er Rudy's plight;

[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]]
Oer his fat height,
Impairs his sight,
upsets each bite,
and Galzigg flight.

[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]]
With all his might
He'll rise despite,
A doctor trite
To pose till night.

[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]]
And what a sight
Is Rudy Light,
The Doctor Bright?
Well no, not quite!

[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]]
What sparse Delight
Is Rudy's plight 
Till hell's sunlight
Brings back sweet night!

[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]
When bubbles Bright
Will end him quite,
may his soul alight
on a T.T. site.
