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[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
112th Day  Spanish American War Began 1898  254 Days to come

con't   S.S. Wash.

[[circled]] 8. [[/circled]]
Tis "spirits bright
Versus spirit contrite,"
and "spiritual spite
versus Alpine might" -

[[circled]] 9. [[/circled]]
May God judge right
on the judgement night
of (poor) Rudy Light
'neath the Tirol white!

[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
113th Day   253 Days to come

Mar 29th - S.S. Wash

It was interesting at lunch today with Mr & Mrs Davis & Admiral Stanley. I asked Mr D what he thought of Dartington Hall, & he said it sounded very interesting; but of course giving people every opportunity isn't what causes the greatest accomplishments. He said the Rockefeller institute has been going for 25 years, & nothing much has been proved whereas Pasteur under the greatest accomplishments did a thousand times as much. Then Mrs Davis said that genius can't be turned out in schools anyway - because it comes so rarely anyway, but Dartington might enrichen the average life a hundred percent, & I agreed with her. Then Mr Davis said that Carrell in his book deplores that so much time & money is being spent on prolonging countless useless lives yearly, when really what is needed is to have [[strikethrough]] lives [[/strikethrough]] people learn how to live properly & usefully. He said that man is being ruined by his own inventions which are way beyond his mental ability to cope with. I said then that Psychoanalysis will be the only hope of [[strikethrough]] teaching people how to cope with things [[/strikethrough]]