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[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
122nd Day  St. Philip and St. James   244 Days to come

Cont  S.S. Wash

At the dance - the students of the Joos [[Jooss]] ballet gave a little ballet skit which was fascinating. The whole room to begin with was decorated with delightful pictures describing the story of the [[strikethrough]] ballet [[/strikethrough]] skit, which was about the adventures of [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] three sailors who traveled around the world.  He encountered toreadors & bulls & African natives & senoritas etc etc - & the colors & designs on the walls were very dashing & stylish & modern. The skit told the same story, & they danced with what I considered marvelous technique, & were very humorous & imaginative & concise in one scene after another. The music was nice too - a conglommeration of old sea shanties - & their teacher "Leger" or [[strikethrough]] Legend [[/strikethrough]] "Legert" [[strikethrough]] wrote the [[/strikethrough]] planned the skit. Everyone was very gay & happy - in fact the whole of Dartington seems to be singing with joy [[strikethrough]] to do [[/strikethrough]] & freedom to such an extent that I feel anything which appears & sounds quite so ideal must have enormous worm holes in its roots - & I am

[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1936 [[strikethrough]]
123rd Day    243 Days to come
cont.    S.S. Wash.

very anxious to find out what they are, as [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] I have only heard the Elmhirsts side of it, & have only seen a cross section of [[strikethrough]] its [[/strikethrough]] a particularly social weekend, & a general glimpse of the grounds, & I [[strikethrough]] ought [[/strikethrough]] want to see it at work someday. In fact the next time I go back to England I want to spend a month there, & draw the animals on the place, & watch the classes & goings on, & Mrs. E said she'd allow me to do it. John irritated me in little ways continually, but they aren't worth repeating, & I had to keep him from pushing too much in his anxiety to talk about his clubs with Mrs E.  The next A.M. he got his chance - & with her usual sympathy she allowed him to pour it all out with the result that she said she'd put it up before her comittee, which was all she could do, & I hope & pray he will get something out of it. While they were talking I had a sudden & intimate moment with Sylvia-Fox-Strangways who is an artist. She has apparently had one of the most extraordinarily