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[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1936 [[/strikethrough]] 
130th Day   236 Days to come

Cont.  S.S. Wash

atmosphere for people unless I [[strikethrough]] forme[[/strikethrough]] met other artists there & found a life of it going on that I could enter. If I married him & [[strikethrough]] live [[/strikethrough]] we lived outside of London - perhaps in Windsor or at Whipsnade where there are animals & he commuted, it might be possible - & we could end up with a small farm. The awful thing is my age - 24 in three weeks - & the one idea in my mind at the moment is to work well for the next two years uninterrupted. By that time I might have a one man show & get a name - & then marry & have children which would mean little work for five years, but it wouldn't matter then if I had made a good start, & then slowly I could begin to work more & more as my children got older. K was right when he said I need stimulation & food for thought & an interesting rich life - & he [[strikethrough]] need would [[/strikethrough]] needs

end of Mar 29 cont   S.S. Wash

[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1936 [[/strikethrough]] 
131st Day   4th Sunday after Easter (Mother's Day) Confederate Memorial Day (N. C., S. C., Ky.) 
 235 Days to come

it too, but [[strikethrough]] he's [[/strikethrough]] I'm not sure if he is a means of getting it, which is a very calculating cold-blooded way of putting it. If he does [[strikethrough]] everything he me [[/strikethrough]] anything he undertakes really well - the way he rowed - then that is all I ask, & I hope it will be politics. He told me that I would be all of a "do da" on my wedding day, & that I would be frightened to death & worried sick long before it. He is right - I would be much more than most people - but the very fact that he knows I would be shows how well he understands me, & therefore it wouldn't upset him if I was, the way it might upset anyone who didn't understand me. In the meantime I hope & pray that he will come over to the U.S. on a holiday, & see us all at home, & [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] it [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] will be a good for me to see him over there. I doubt if he can stand up to Kim - but then he is five years younger - & the trouble is that I love him & not Kim! too much ego - so [[goodnight?]]!