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[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
174th Day   192 Days to come
April 24th

It is 3 A.M., & after a farewell theatre with mum alone, Kim took me to the Douglass's dance. I had gone half to see Larry Poole, with the result that he went out of his way not to dance with me even once. It is quite plain to me these days that Henry's advice of becoming a nun in order not to work, is not only going to be [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] easy, but inevitable. All my friends like Kim & Henry & St John (who is going to tell me we are broken up for good tomorrow night) - & even Martha & Sarah - have become either sour or indifferent. Now my darling mum is sailing tomorrow, & I can foresee much lonliness which can only be compensated by hard work, until mum comes home. She is an angel who doesn't even need wings to prove it, & that is the only reason why she hasn't got any. I suppose my love for K prevents me from feeling as close to my friends, but even that probably has no future - as he is so young & may turn out to be dull - but I can't help adoring him. 

[[left margin]] Goodbye my precious perfect mum - & come home well & happy after a marvelous trip. [[/left margin]]

TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1936 
175th Day   191 Days to come


Last night St J & I decided our situation looked hopeless - & I've had a restful lovely day carving an ivory soap peke today. St John came for tea & we went to an early movie called "Mr Deeds goes to Town" which was one of the most delightful & cleverly done movies I've ever seen. It wasn't meant to be subtle, & when I told St J I thought it was he naturally disagreed, but it had a very subtle effect on me because it [[strikethrough]] touch [[/strikethrough]] struck some touchy spots in me which I have been particularly conscious of & inarticulate about in my mind lately. It is about a fine young country bumpkin who comes to town upon recieving a fortune, & his honest sincerity is misunderstood so terribly that he becomes the most ridiculous object one can imagine, & a complete sucker. The heroine thinks at first that he is either the [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] dumbest idiot in the world, or the most wonderful thing that has ever happened, & ends up thinking the latter. 

I kept thinking of K - who is humourless & unsophisticated to the point of ridicule at times - & the similarity between the two was amazing, though K [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]]