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[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
182nd Day   184 Days to come
May 3rd.

My diary these days practically consists of repeating what I've written K - but I write him everything, & quite clearly - & am too busy to keep supplying him & my Diary with news - so it is better to two-time them. This doesn't mean that [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] my news bears repeating, but as K will eventually lose my letters, it is better & quicker to think once carefully & write twice quickly, than [[strikethrough]] write [[/strikethrough]] think [[strikethrough]] to me [[/strikethrough]] twice quickly & write slowly. I have been struggling over my man's figure like hell for two weeks - & though he is swell on the whole - my struggling still consists & finishing him without going haywire & spoiling his grandness. 

Our model [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] puts us all to shame by walking in whistling the Brahams 4th Symphony or a Beethoven violin concerto each A.M.! - & bringing in colossal drawings he has done each of which cover [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] a whole wall. He has only studied one month - & it is tactless of him to pick on us who are paying him to pose for our lousy work, & show us how we are depriving the world of one 

[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
183rd Day   183 Days to come

would-be artist in order to cause 12 lousy artists to go on cluttering up the world with that much more lousy art. Lo & behold his work is marvelously simple & strong, & full of form with an economy of messy realism such as one rarely sees - yet they are honest & [[strikethrough]] even technically good [[/strikethrough]] done with real technical ease. Most embarassing!

I feel as if K is very near me these days, & can vivify him extraordinarily well these days which was impossible last week. My eyes have practically worn out [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a certain photo of this dear Toady Buckly one (Toad & Buckle being his nicknames) - & how I miss [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] that "curly fair hair" which he describes his nephew as having - & whom he says he looks just like him though he swears he had nothing to do with him (especially as K's hair is jet black & straight as a horses I say). 

I sent him that quotation from Santayana (a few pages back) -  he replied that it was O.K. for people who were in good health - but not enough for miserable