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[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
196th Day   170 Days to come

measures - no one feels it his own obligation - though they do abroad because they are less contented & well-fed. This is like peoples ambitions & loves being continually alleviated by seeing them satisfied in movies - or by small accomplishments etc - a theory I have aired in here before. Well I think [[strikethrough]] en [[/strikethrough]] that one should never try to oppose or question the small things in every day life, but one should take sides in big things - & 99 people out of 100 do the opposite. In married life or in the pursuit of any profession one should learn to do this by being able to recognize the small from the big things. 

I jump like a kangaroo in this writeup - but a parade of odd things I have forgotten to write are crowding through me - so here I go again. What is imagination? John Arles & I discussed religion one night [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] in London which led to this & a thousand questions - but it is all too long ago to remember. Imagination seems to be a substitute for fulfilling normality in one's life, & if one has 

[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
197th Day   St. Swithen   169 Days to come

desires & aims that are thwarted, they are satisfied somewhat by living them in the imagination. [[strikethrough]] I suppose that [[/strikethrough]] Unsuccessful school life makes children escape into their own imaginative worlds - & thus encourages the growth of their imagination - . [[strikethrough]] & whoever [[/strikethrough]] Who can tell if this abnormal state does not lead to the greatest art & creative fruitfulness there is? Religion is certainly closely allied with it - & one can well imagine divinity seeming an actuality in people's imagination. Scientists [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] often end up very religious in the orthodox sense - which would seem as if they feel it is greater than the small amount of actual facts they know. But I believe they are religious simply because they have such a respect for [[strikethrough]] knowing things & [[/strikethrough]] the unknown things that they must call it something such as religion [[strikethrough]] instead [[/strikethrough]] because through their knowledge they have more conception [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] than anyone else [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] of how much is unknown, & they can't pretend a thing doesn't exist just because they don't know about it.