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[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
206th Day  Pioneer's Day (Utah)  160 Days to come


whom you meet because of common ground etc etc - so now when I have a chance to see the Manships or animal movies etc I cut work, because those are things I want, & if I get them prematurely this way I refuse to miss them. Otherwise I never cut work - & I [[strikethrough]] even [[/strikethrough]] really have the strength to refuse doubtful dates. This evening I called on B.T. & her baby boy who was born last Sunday. He is priceless - probably because I love her - but he looks less like a baked apple than most - & she is thriving.  K's & my letters are a good test in one sense because no powers of charm or personality can sway the reader against his better judgement - & mine will certainly succeed in keeping him from putting me on a pedestal.

[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
207th Day St. James 159 Days to come

May 16th

It isn't what you know - it's who you know 
sitting on Mrs Patt's bas relief
going down wrong way st - pigeons

I drove out to L.I. after modelling the man all a.m. He told me he expected to see my things in the Metrop. Mus. someday - & that I had reached the point of working alone with all my talent & ambition & good head - which should keep me from worrying.  Well - he is a model - & their flattery helps their business, but somehow since he is so talented & experienced himself I believe him. He said I should labor so hard because it is too discouraging, & I should drop things when I get stuck. I don't agree - for psychologically I need to look at something; I've finished & can show for what it is - no matter how insignificant a work it is. I drove out to Stewart with my drawings en route [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] to Syosset - & though he looked annoyed at first per usual, he warmed up with interest & sympathy so that I left him in the usual mood of feeling I had new life & hope instilled in me - & new confidance [[confidence]] & love of art & life. It is extraordinary the effect he [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] can have on me in five minutes. There is a situation where I might admit that I could be more deeply