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[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
246th Day  120 Days to come

in its fulfillment, & consequently unhappy according to the degree to which their lack of [[strikethrough]] fulfilling their [[/strikethrough]] satisfying their power upsets them. If they are energetic & ambitious they will be extremely unhappy, but also more likely to find their furrow. The rewarding thing about a furrow are that if those horses plough long & straight & consistantly enough, it will become deeper & wider & richer through the gathering momentum of the team's strength & confidance, & finally these furrows will meet at each others ends - through their growing width & strength - for each furrow is comparatively alike when [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] they reach real knowledge of their business - & real knowledge is truth - & truth is [[strikethrough]] oh so simple [[/strikethrough]] built on a beautifully simple & interrelated design - the design caused by the laws of nature. [[strikethrough]] My des [[/strikethrough]] This design is like the suns rays [[strikethrough]] 


this is a furrow [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
247th Day  119 Days to come

here is the end of those furrows - where they all mingle with a common understanding of truth - reached by real knowledge


here is the beginning of the field where the horses start

These are the lonely ineffectual spaces [[strikethrough]] left by [[/strikethrough]] filled with the Jack's of all trades who never find their furrows. OR I could make my scheme like the sun


most people reach this limit, but the great ones go out beyond it, where the rays become intermingled - & part of the whole of space.

All this makes me feel I am stifled & smothered in my furrow -. I am still a student so upset by finding ways & means of putting accross what is in my mind's eye (through lack of a technique that suits my purpose) that at moments I feel I