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[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
276th Day    90 Days to come

lost fight with Schmeling which was the bloodiest & cleanest in history - I wish I'd seen it!) that evening. Well I told everyone with tears in my voice - from elevator men to doormen to gas pump men, & everyone I could find the next day, & ever since have been searching the papers in vain, & becoming sadder & sadder from that. 

I spent the next three days [[strikethrough]] waiting [[/strikethrough]] modelling Jay's head while he posed, meeting his reprobate drunkard friend Frank Sweetser, listening to their brilliant & witty mental tennis, consisting of such an orgy of vocabulary & quotations that I've had mental indigestion & [[strikethrough]] intellectual [[/strikethrough]] a vacuum cleaning conscience about my ignorance ever since. I had to call for Jay, see Frank, have Jay called for by Frank, suffer Frank's acute but excellent observed criticisms daily, & listen enthralled to Jay's monologues & their dialogues which I had forgotten [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] existed. They asked me to dinner & to the Lloyd Smiths dance, & in panic of getting stuck (asked Alan Donald

[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
277th Day   89 Days to come

- & spent a fascinating evening. Mr Sweetser is a pathetically slow & dull man who laments his son's intellect, & Frank was sweet about answering his ignorant questions with a teachers tact & sympathy, & Mrs Sweetser is a very bright & energetic woman who works all day (because Mr S drinks & has never made good in business through bad luck) & has no maid, & as a result has to talk personally, & falls all over herself like an unpoised child who talks before she thinks in an effort to interest & please people. Conversation is an interesting thing. [[strikethrough]] As  [[/strikethrough]] All cultivated & wise & successful people seem to be able to carry it on impersonally through anecdotes & witticisms, whereas the average person has to resort to personal exporations & divulgings because they don't know enough things outside of themselves & people to talk about. Then there is the quick amusing light touch kind if one has the gift, or the heavy subjects one is most interested in if one finds