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[[strikethrough]] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
282nd Day    84 Days to come
July 15th

Weeks have flown by - [[strikethrough]] & where [[/strikethrough]] but where to? I have been deeply embedded in East Haddam Life for a week now - a week of the typical events such as exiting [[exciting]] thunder storms, & the thrill of driving to & from work which always has the possibility of seeing deer or owls or skunks or woodchucks around each corner & the [[strikethrough]] beat [[/strikethrough]] beauty of shining [[strikethrough]] early [[/strikethrough]] dewy mornings & golden [[strikethrough]] late after [[/strikethrough]] warm evenings, & weekend guests at the Warnekes, & working out of doors all day which makes me mellow & sore [[strikethrough]] each evening [[/strikethrough]] & ready for bed each night. I am doing 2 exciting figures in wood, & am most interested to see how it turns out, because I have had the patience at Warnekes suggestion of doing it in plastercene several times first, so that for the first time I have clearly in my mind what I am going [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] to do. I have completely changed in this way - I used to think that took all the fun away, but now, I realize it is the only way of doing a thing well -

[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
283rd Day     83 Days to come

& the fun comes in having the patience to do it well without losing the feeling & [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] life in the thing, & [[strikethrough]] thouh [[/strikethrough]] I am amazed to find I don't lose it completely. 

All these events, & others such as meeting the baby bunny who is invariably on the road daily & goes through his daily dangers of frustrations at seeing the car, & meeting the collie who turns (pivots) 4 & 5 times in complete circles before chasing, & worst of all seeing Henry, seem to make life full & exciting aside from work. Mrs Hopkins likes me at last, though, she has the effect of bringing out nothing but clichés from me, & I must say I like her. She is boring & [[strikethrough]] sad [[/strikethrough]] depressing in conversation - but as a person she is quite rare. Luckily she is not dependent on having other people dependent on her, the way most older people are, & this makes it possible for her to live alone, which she does to a degree that only a very strong & mature person could survive under. I simply can't write about the