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[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
294th Day    72 Days to come
Aug 2

I forgot to say that Henry & Krauss asked me if Jay is as fresh (as if [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] it asked "who are you anyway" & as tall a person as the head predicted - which pleased me greatly. 

The only news today is that Warneke had to go to town to see about some trouble over his Harlem project, & that their cow has [[strikethrough]] pertinent [[/strikethrough]] peritonitis, [[strikethrough]] hu [[/strikethrough]] Jessie had to ask in a drugstore for the largest vaginal douche they had, so they stared at her & searched high & low, & when she said "it's for a cow" they looked at her as if to say "you're telling me"! These things seem funny up here when nothing else happens in a week. Jay & I skiid on Pineneedles in Norfolk, & it was real skiing! He was good & concieted, & I lousy & brow beaten, leg beaten, turn beaten, & ground beaten- a great larrgge groundhog was I. I got a letter from Peter Scott in answer to mine about his book. He sounded most pleased with mine & is coming over in the fall & going to look me up. Some fun! The other night I came

witnessed runovering   Hopper etc
Krauss  totes Father - snake episode
[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
295th Day     71 Days to come

in [[strikethrough]] fr [[/strikethrough]] at 1 A.M. from a late evening [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] at Henry's I tiptoed toward [[strikethrough]] into [[/strikethrough]] the bathroom - opened the door, & walked into the bookcase (which has a glass door of the same size)! It was after a beer party he gave while Rudy, the co-winner of his prize, was was visiting nearby. Pfeiffer an architect who is fed-up with teaching at Yale, & Rudy's nice wife [[strikethrough]] & others [[/strikethrough]] were there, & a painter Mr Beck & Mrs Borl (who is madly in love with Henry) was willing to do all the serving. Rudy looks like Lindbergh. We drank beer outdoors where his big figure stood in the dim light & looked its best. I have had the joie de vivre of 17 occasionally driving early to work - wanting to be a writer, painter, phylosopher all at once, & full of hope [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] reaching out to the Celestial sphere. Those depths & Heighths one feels at 17 are the most alive & real of another [[strikethrough]] same [[/strikethrough]] age. One grows callous & emotionally less highly tuned, & all around less accutely sensitive from then on. I think one is capable of greater joy & greater sadness then than ever again. Henry says my power of observation is remarkable & very helpful, though an artist can become good without ever having the power. I think seeing is understanding, & the outward symptoms of understanding in art are beauty & feeling.