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[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
312th Day  strikethrough]] 54 Days to come [[/strikethrough]]
Aug. 9-10th cont.

I feel quite enclosed with affection - as I know no one else up here. The nurse called up Lu in search of mum today - & told her I had been sick. I think she was scared & surprised in spite of our having waited till I was all well in order not to worry them.


Aug 10th

I awoke again after the best nights sleep - in the midst of dreams that were [[strikethrough]] so much [[strikethrough]] alive. It surprises me how alive & what fun they are - & what a perfect balance between wakeful sleep & dozing wakefulness I have struck since I fell ill. I dream continually in this way - & this a.m. when I awoke I felt that same glow of joy at being alive, that I so often feel. At 17 one's conceptions & emotions are sharper & [[strikethrough]] more upsetting [[/strikethrough]] richer than at this age - but now they are still overpowering, & [[strikethrough]] yet [[/strikethrough]] consist much more on an average of pure joie de vivre. It is this [[strikethrough]] feeling [[/strikethrough]] knowledge that certain powers like joie de vivre have complete control over me, & that I can't [[strikethrough]] prevent an [[/strikethrough]] account for [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] or prevent them, that seems to explain my love of animals, & persistance in showing the world how much

"[[strikethrough]] Antony"
tattoo - letters- prints
stopgap    Hignet [[/strikethrough]] 

[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
313th Day  22nd Sunday after Trinity  53 Days to come

more there is in animals than meets the eye. Well no - the whole beauty is in what meets the eye - but to most people that meeting is not 1/8 of what it might be. [[strikethrough]] It is most odd that I [[/strikethrough]] Nurse says I must have been way behind sleep, & must have been overstraining my eyes far too much, before I fell ill. Well I must take care of my indispensible eyes - maybe they just can't digest all they see, though what they've seen lately is mostly so digestible that it shouldn't upset them. Antony felt just the same joie de vivre that I so often feel - Poor Antony. Hignet - the precious jewel who does all Mrs Hopkins cleaning for her - is a [[strikethrough]] rose [[/strikethrough]] shining one. She takes care of a husband & 4 kids on her farm, walks 6 miles to & from Mrs Hopkins to work all day, thinks nothing of it, & is 65 years old! I felt ashamed to have that fine old thing [[strikethrough]] crawling around on her tummy scrubbing the floors under my bed as I lay in it [[/strikethrough]] crawling around on her tummy scrubbing the floors under my bed as I lay in it - & muttering with all sincerety "Thank God Mrs H. don't give me no heavy work to do"