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[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
320th Day 23rd Sunday after Trinity 46 Days to come

to be.  Well the answer is I become that way with people I like - & I hadn't liked Jay enough until then for him to see me that way. Masculinity is a sure weapon for repulsing those whom one doesn't like - & I use it [[strikethrough]] often [[/strikethrough]] because it repulses me to feel attractive to people whom I don't like. Oh why should Jay be so childish as to insist on being witty at all costs. It is so decadent to aim for that regardless of all the hurt feelings & misunderstandings is [[it]] causes. Oh well he is only a colt, so why judge him [[strikethrough]] as a grown person [[/strikethrough]] with maturity stakes! I got a swell letter from Alice today - she is undoubtedly one of the seven Wonders of the World - not even the 8th would be enough to say.

[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
321st Day 45 Days to come
Aug. 16

two weeks have passed, & my fingernails still have the virtue of cleanliness that is only made possible by the vice of idleness - & I pray that this demoralizing [[strikethrough]] tropical [[/strikethrough]] damp heat will go home to the tropics soon & let me work. After scanning the papers I see that the U.S. crew won, & the British were only 4th - poor Kenneth! The coach of the triumphant U.S. crew gave them a typically American greeting when they reached him in their boat house. Their stroke had had a bad cold & had collapsed - & one of the crew had a wreath around his head [[strikethrough]] without a word [[/strikethrough]] - so [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] the coach [[strikethrough]] met them, he [[/strikethrough]] patted the stroke on the back & said "O.K. corpse", & [[strikethrough]] to the man w [[/strikethrough]] looking at the wreath said "where did you pick up the hay?" Aside from that he said nothing - no congratulations or questions - he was [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] too American [[strikethrough]] ! [[hulk?]][[strikethrough]] Monty Hare & John Sherman blew in to ask about chartering a boat. I was little help as mum & P are away for the weekend - but Kim helped & I was glad