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[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
360th Day  Christmas Day  6 Days to come


has given him gooseflesh for years, that poetry never has, in fact little has in his whole life - I mean [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] for emotional [[strikethrough]] goofe [[/strikethrough]] reasons. But that doesn't quite sum him up!  I [[strikethrough]] remember 
[[/strikethrough]] get it less often now, but I remember well that the emotionally [[strikethrough]] goo [[/strikethrough]] prompted gooseflesh [[strikethrough]] one 
[[/strikethrough]] I had [[strikethrough]] at the age of 17 [[/strikethrough]] over all the arts & writing & people I came in contact with at the age of 17 was enough to make a little goose out of me (or to prove me to be a goose instead of a Swann). Well I still exist on such stuff as youth is made on, & hence my horror of age which I should be more prepared for. I notice that the main symptom of old age in people is that they cease to react freshly. They react from habit to each situation or person who walks in the room, or even in playing tennis they play & keep score without registering on the tussle of each point unless they happen to notice it occasionally. Paul hasn't this symptom at all - in fact he seems only mellow & much nicer & wiser - & reacts just as

[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
361st Day  St. Stephen   Washington Crossed Delaware 1776   5 Days to come


quickly & energetically & freshly as a 20 year old. Mum has this symptom, but I told her so, & since then I've barely noticed it. As a matter of fact she hasn't it when she's with Paul - their love keeps them both young when they are together, & when they are separated they [[strikethrough]] are older [[/strikethrough]] slump, but what more could one ask - I think it is wonderful - & they are [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] both the youngest older people I know. I asked mum what to do about my flighty heart - & she said to have no conscience & to consult the experienced Helenca!

Aggie brought her fiancé out here the other night - & as I said the type of man who would propose to her would be nasty, so he was. I didn't mean that she doesn't warrant real love - she is wonderful in many ways, but it takes years of a girl's friendship to see through [[strikethrough]] her superficial [[/strikethrough]] what [[strikethrough]] seems to be [[/strikethrough]] superficially seems to be her type - & that type would attract rotters. She looks like a wax doll model in a shop window & she's much too good for that. He looks & sounds Jewish, & is nothing!