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[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
364th Day 2 Days to come


Heinz told me that Henry went to Catholic confession for the first time when he was 6 yrs old. The priest said "Have you comitted any sins," & Henry said "yes", & the priest "What then", & Henry "adultery"! The priest [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] asked him [[strikethrough]] how what he meant [[/strikethrough]] how, & Henry said "against the backyard fence." Well now that I am on dirty jokes I might continue with one about Lucia Norton's 4 yr old girl. Lucia has an old devoted beau who still hangs around their house, & one day the kid said "Haven't you got any little girls?"  - he said no - she said "Haven't you got any little boys" - he said no - she said "Haven't you got any seeds"?

Everyone is reading two current books called "Wake up & live", & "Live alone & like it", & the other day a girl friend of Lucy's who works in a book shop got an order for "Wake up alone & like it" (!). All day I slabour & sweat over my posts & the figure of mum - & how I love these peaceful [[strikethrough]] atumn [[/strikethrough]] autumn days. I have no more dirty jokes

[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
365th Day  1 Day to come


to tell, & must go to sleep. Still no word from Jay, & I haven't written him at all. I feel depressed about that & my work today, but [[strikethrough]] the aut [[/strikethrough]] I forget it when I see Tutzing blowing about like a little autumn leaf, & I love the way the squirrels go whipping about in the Fall. I have been reading Vint's article on Robert Frost, which is marvelous - constructed in such an orderly & well defined way etc but I haven't finished yet. I tried to show it to Jay [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] when he read me his Portrait of Ezra Pound, but it was drowned in the flood of Jays ego. I just got a letter from Henry asking yes or no for the last time. I wrote a page back with yes & no in varying sizes the whole way down - it would make a good book cover - even without the power of the paralell, & even though power has to have Direction - which this has not, nor is it a NEW Direction! He thinks I am honest, likes me for being honest, wouldn't like me to lie, & yet asks me to yell "no" if I am going to