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(circa 1940s?) WESTERN UNION 1207-B R.B. WHITE PRESIDENT NEWCOMB CARLTON CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD J. C. WILLEVER FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT [[box]] CLASS OF SERVICE DESIRED [[2 column table]] | DOMESTIC | CABLE | |---|---| | TELEGRAM | ORDINARY | | DAY LETTER | URGENT RATE | | SERIAL | DEFERRED | | NIGHT LETTER | NIGHT LETTER | | SPECIAL SERVICE | SHIP RADIOGRAM | Patrons should check class of service desired, otherwise the message will be transmitted as a telegram or ordinary cablegram. [[/box]] [[box]] CHECK ACCOUNTING INFORMATION TIME FILED [[/box]] Send the following message, subject to the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to To Frieda Nahlo ____________19___ Street and No. Londres 127 Place Coyoacan Mexico D.T. 1 Recibe 2 carta 3 mil 4 gracias 5 solo 6 una 7 anterior / 8 radiografias 9 no 10 llegado. 11 Doctor 12 Opping [[strikethrough]] ningun caro [[/strikethrough]] 13 como 14 [[?]] 15 Marin 16 no 17 operacion 18 en cuanto 20 radiografia 21 telefoneare 22 [[?]] [[strikethrough]] dinero [[/strikethrough]] 23 doscientos 24 cincuenta 25 dolares. 26 [[?]] 27 mas 28 [[?]] 29 idolos 30 [[?]] 31 mejor 32 vengan 33 para 34 aca 35 sabes 36 eres 37 mas 38 que 39 mi 40 vida 41 salud 42 milliones 43 besos. 44 escribeme. Diego Sender's telephone number
Transcription Notes:
Numbers indicate telegram word count.