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Jan 77

letter from Frida after I left Mexico in December 1941; The letter is long, hand-written and full of Frida's funny double-meanings which are not publishable. Typed copy in Spanish attached. English translation doesn't catch the humor of the Spanish obscenities.

Monday, Dec 15, 1941

Emmylucha darling:

Here I am, still flat on my back with a ______ flu that won't leave me.......I don't know what's wrong, but the truth is, companera, I don't feel good. All I want to do all day is sleep and I already look like a piece of chewing gum.

Imagine! The little parrot died. I gave him his little buriel and all and I cried a lot. Remember how marvellous he was! Diego also grieved for him a lot. The little Caimito also caught phumonia...but the sulpha cured him.....

Regarding what you tell me of the Arensbergs, I want you to tell them that Kauffman has the picture of the Nativity. I wish they would buy the one entitled I Nursing, for that would really help. [[strikethrough]] Especially now that I'm [[/strikethrough]].. If you have the opportunity, try to talk them into it...Tell them that it is a picture I painted at the same time that I did the Nativity and that you and Diego like it a lot.
...It's the one where I am with my mother sucking real (puritita) milk, do you remember? I hope you can persuade them to buy it, for you can't imagine how much I need the pennies (fierros)
...Tell them also about the one of the bed, which is also in New York. It might be that they'll be interested in that one - it's the one with the skull above - remember?....I hope you can give it a tiny push...

Diego is working on a portrait of Paulette* and Nieves**. I met Paulette and I liked her more than I thought...When will you come back? We miss you in Coyoacan. Write me when you can....How beautiful did you look at [[strikethrough]] your [[/strikethrough]] the opening of your show? Tell us all the gossip. And don't forget the Arensburgs. Diego sends kisses and I all my heart.

yours, Frida.

*Paulette Goddard **a favorite Indian model of Rivera's