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Lee Pollock 8 

[[arrow marking not on original transcript]] spent all the time talking about art, Finally Pollock couldn't stand it any longer and said "Put up or shut up!" He meant: "I'm not interested in your theories, you've got to make the paintings." He had a fanatical conviction that the work would do it, not any outside periphery like talk. 
      There is so much stupid myth about Pollock, I can't stand it!"
     There is the myth of suicide. There is no truth in this. It was an automobile accident like many others. That was a dangerous part of the road; just a while before someone else was killed on that part of the road. The state highway department had to fix it soon after Jackson's death. That speaks for itself.
          I'm bored with these myths. Jackson was damn decent to his friends no matter what the situation was. He saw few people, he didn't have a lot of friends. He was not interested in contemporary artists' work, ,but as it turned out, most of the people he saw had a connection with the arts. Among those who recognized Pollock's work, John Graham preceded everybody. One night when we were walking with John, we saw a little man with a long overcoat; it was Kiesler. John introduced Pollock by saying: "I want you to meet the greatest painter in America." Kiesler bowed low to the ground. Jim Sweeney was the first to go into print for Pollock. It was a fine article, but in it he called Jackson "undisciplined." Jackson got furious. Oh, he was angry, really mad, and he painted a picture, "Search for a Symbol," just to show Sweeney how disciplined he was. He brought the wet painting to the gallery where he was meeting Jim Sweeney and said "I want you to see a really disciplined painting."
          Herbert and Mercedes Matter brought Sandy Calder to see Jacksson [[Jackson]] in '42. After looking at the paintings, Sandy said: "They're all so dense." He meant that there was no space in them. Jackson answered "Oh you want to see one less dense, one with open space?" And he went back for