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and as a public center for women's culture. We chose a red-brick structure located in downtown L.A. in the center of several ethnic neighborhoods. The move also provided an impetus to search for additional feminist organizations to join the new Building.4 Presently the Woman's Building houses: 4 large Community Galleries, a spacious performance space with the capacity to hold 400 people, a coffee shop: The Identified Woman's Cafe, the offices of two feminist therapists, a branch of Sisterhood Bookstore, Canis Gallery (a commercial gallery dedicated to showing women's contemporary art of intimate scale), Olivia Records storage space, a much expanded Extension Program (offering approximately 160 courses and workshops per year instead of 50), and the F.S.W. School which includes a Graphics Center (with printing and dark room facilities), a Video Center, tool room, and the Center for Feminist Art Historical Studies (collection of books and slide library specializing in women's art of the past and present). Ultimately the move and reorganization chrystalized our awareness that the Building is an expression of the F.S.W., a public place through which participants of the F.S.W. community (both students and the staff-collective) communicate with a broad audience, and make women's culture, [[strikethrough]] known and accessible [[/strikethrough]] including that which is produced in the F.S.W., known and accessible.

Finally a word on finances; the Woman's Building and the F.S.W. have been primarily funded by their constituency through tuitions, membership fees, and admissions to events rather than through grants or fundraising. Those grants we have received have been earmarked for special projects rather than for regular day to day maintenance costs of the Building.5 We have had one major fundraiser,