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the "Building Women" concert,6 which financed the materials used for the renovation of the new building. All the work: design of spaces, construction of walls, sanding floors, scraping, and painting walls etc. was done (without pay) primarily by women from the F.S.W. and the L.A. women's community at large who voluneered their time, energy, and skills to participate in the creation of the Woman's Building. In the process of actual building, women learned construction skills and experienced in a most concrete sense, one of the goals of the F.S.W. and the Woman's Building: creating a female community focused around work and shared values.

Feminist Education in the Feminist Studio Workshop

1. The Need for Feminist Education:

All of us who teach at the F.S.W. have had our training and have taught in traditional academic institutions, and it was through those experiences as students and educators that we have come to form an alternative educational institution. We have found that women's education has been hampered by the dominance of masculine values and by the fact that the conventional concept of "being a woman" has been diametrically opposed to woman's pursuit of her own needs, points of view, and aspirations. As Sidney Roth, a psychologist and educator who participated in our workshop on Methodologies and Techniques of Feminist Education, observed:7 "The University is a male institution. In its beliefs about knowledge, in the concept of the knowledge it transmits, in the way it transmits that knowledge, and in the types of interaction