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gain recognition in a male system etc. In both cases, women's contributions [[strikethrough]] are constricted [[/strikethrough]] have been constrained by the fact that reason, imagination and economics have been shaped by the organization and values of a sexist society.

2. The Purpose and Goal of Feminist Education:

Arlene Raven, a member of the staff-collective noted that:

The purpose of feminist education is to create and participate in cultural revolution. Towards that end, feminist creative activity takes place in the context of a community in which women can support one another, validate individual and common experience, create from that experience, and share their work with the public.... When women are primarily in a feminist support community, their work reflects female/female support and the different sense of identity which one has in that situation. This is a new and different kind of art, reflecting a new social structure -- feminist community structure."8

In our case feminist education is primarily aimed at the arts; we define art as that which raises consciousness, invites dialogue, and transforms culture. The belief that it is ultimately not possible to end women's oppression unless feminism reshapes culture necessitates the creation of feminist art. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Our goal [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] for feminist education at the F.S.W. is to create a feminist learning structure/environment out of which women are able to emerge as strong feminists who participate in feminist leadership through their work. The focus of feminist education at the F.S.W. is to assist women in developing their strength, leadership, expertise, and creativity; to make a transition from victimised, powerless outsider to effective, powerful participator in reshaping the world according to feminist values.