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as changing visual rythms, projected in slow motion accompanied by a sound track of various sounds as counter-point. The second film is a 20 minute presentation of our activities. It opens with extreme closeups of trees and plants surrounding Lycia, filmed at night for their mysterious shapes and by day against the sky. I show how we have transformed the space. There are vignettes of meaningful events and intimate conversation. Each of us is shown as we work and each speaks informally. The film closes with guests and students as they leave Lycia speaking of their impressions. A lively question and answer period follows the films and usually results with some future participants in our workshop.

I also want to tell you something of the class I mentioned earlier. Mostly, it consists of women with whom I have studied through the years before I came to F.S.W. Women of considerable talent, intelligence and dedication whose careers were ended or dwindled dismally because of devotion to family. The intensity of their dissatisfaction was hidden even to them.[[strikethrough]] and because time and energy was dissipated because [[/strikethrough]] They are now taking themselves more seriously as women and artists. It is thrilling to me to see them gaining as I am in strength and feelings of fulfillment as they find validity in their art.

Love to you