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Days of culture past

getting it together w/myself, Mag, Maria, Ruth & Billie - newsletter - YES nourishment... growth?... Projection - the five of us are renting ($200) a [[?]] old house in Los Angeles lots of ideas coming in & support to help work them out- I have a room for clay & an collecting rubble & brick for a small kiln in the back yard - eventually I would like to lead a small workshop with women that are interested in this media - I'm learning about graphics & photography more & more with Billie & Maria being excellent resources - I also enjoy working with Mag in her self-help group - the five of [[image]] us get together frequently and talk about our work and what to do with it - we have some of it on display in the front of the house - once a month we have a rap group or performance in which we try to involve women in the community - Communication... hopefully this newsletter will help... Sisterhood is powerful - 
Love, Margi