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October 1974

Greetings women,

A few of us from FSW got together in August at Ruth [[Ry?]] and decided to get a studio together where we could work and gradually make connection with the female community in that area (Central LA) and hopefully have our work speak for us in whatever ways elsewhere. We are Billie Tsien, Margie Elliot, Meg Harlem, Ruth, and me, Maria. We work in our own ways independently and collaborate on presentations (we can show in our space), bringing other women into our space to present work they have not, for one reason or another, been able to show elsewhere. We are also talking about one-two evening performances on particular female experiences - Meg is interested in self-help and developing an experience, a rites of passage performance that deals with the coming of da menses.

I am interested & planning a study  group on the media and hope to have that grow into a graphics cooperative. The objectives are: to develop a critical feminist analysis of the image of women and men in the media, to analyze what aspects of media are most effective (for dollars and effort spent), to investigate what communication processes are most available to us. From this study we hope to develop skills (graphics and/or production) to make positive and expansive image reinforcement for women. Also hope to develop educational skills and presentations for female audiences on experiences that are common and vital to women. We hope to present our skills as viable, coherent, professional substitutes for sexist advertising and education. MONEY MEANS you ask? thought you'd ever ask? - we're looking for any that's floating around on the state & federal level, But primarily counting on cooperative support by us, & actively fund raising by making work crew that offer whatever skills we already possess.

I hope that you are all in good places, and that this newsletter brings as much support and connection to you as it does to us.

In sisterhood, Maria Karras

Transcription Notes:
Ryzane last name?