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War Dept
Bureau of R. F. & A. L.
Washington, May 28 67

Respectfully referred to Bt. Brig. Genl. C. H. Howard. Asst. Commr. District of Columbia, who is informed that Mrs. Forrest is correct in her statements, and the amount specified should be the rent. 

By order of
Maj. Genl. Howard. 
[[check mark]] F. D. Sewall
A. A. A.  General C.
E. B. 232 Vol 3

Bureau Refugees, Freedman, & Abandoned Lands 
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D.C.

Respectfully referred to Bt. Major J. M. Brown, Chief Qr. Mr. D. C. with directions to pay fifty ($50) dollars per Month rent, for that part of the building 132 Penna. Ave. Washington, D.C. occupied by him. as one office &

By order of 
Bt. Brig. Genl Howard
Wm W Rogers
A. A. A. Gen. 
E. B. Vol 3 No 696 A. C. D. C. 1867

L R Book #790

fifty dollars per month for their rooms. I write to request that you will order the same soon to be paid as the rent of your part of the Building and shall rely upon your kind offices in the premises
Very respectfully
Emily D Forrest.

May 25th 1867.

Please address to the care of Douglas F. Forrest. 
No 6. Sparriers Court. Lexington St. 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Used current instructions to transcribe, no underlines, no end/start page, no preprinted, signatures, dittos, etc.