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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Office Superintendent, Montgomery County, Md.
Rockville, July 25th, 1867.

Lieut. Wm W. Rogers
A. A. A. G Bureau R. F and A. L.  D. C.
Washington, D. C.

I was authorized by the Ass't Commissioner to make a contract for the completion of the School house in course of erection at "Blue Marsh"! I find, however, that there is no necessity for pursueing that course, as they have workmen near there and only lack the materials to finish it - I have, therefore, the honor to request an order for the following specified materials, which are necessary, as per estimates of the Carpenters, to complete the building - viz: Eleven hundred feet (1100 ft) inch boards, twenty pounds (20 lbs) tenpenny nails, ten pounds (10 lbs) eightpenny nails and sashes for four windows, one to be of twelve lights 10 by 15 inches and three of twelve lights 8 x 10 inches. - Please inform me when and where the above can be obtained.

Very respectfully
R. G Rutherford
Lieut 45th U. S. Infantry., Sup't.