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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia,
Washington, July 29th 1867. 

Genl. C. H. Howard
Ast. Comr.


I respectfully ask that lumber be sent to Blue Plains Landing, on the Potomac River, two miles above Alexandria, to the care of James H. Hutton, to build a school House at Oxen Run for Colored children.

✓ 110 ft. 6 X 6 running feet { scantling
✓ 110 ft. 4 X 4 running feet {
✓ 75 joists 12 ft. long.  3 X 4
✓ 4 joists 12 ft. long.  4 X 4
✓ 32 rafters 12 ft. long. 3 X 5
✓ 23 joists 20 ft. long. 3 X 10
✓ 100 ft. joist 3 X 4
2000 ft. # boards for siding and outhouses  # Hemlock
700 f boards for sheathing
3200 [[strikethrough]] Cypress [[/strikethrough]] shingles. No. 1. Spruce
✓ 750 ft. boards flooring
✓ 400 ft. boards wainscotting