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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Chief Quartermaster,
Washington, D. C., June 11th 1868

Bt Lieut Col J. M. Brown
D. O. &c Washington D. C.

You will please cause the accompanying documents to be bound, as soon as practicable, as per instructions contained in S. O. No 68. Office Chief Quartermaster August 21st 1867 a copy of which was furnished you Aug 23, 1867

Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Henry M Whittelsey
Chief Quartermaster
Bureau R. F & A. L

[[stamp]] RECEIVED JUN 10 1868 A & D.O. [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
Used current instructions to transcribe, no underlines, no end/start page, no preprinted, signatures, dittos, etc.