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Tuesday June 18th to make any personal or written statement.

The Board adjourned to meet at 10 o/clock a.m. Tuesday June 18th 1867

Robert Reyburn
Surg U.S.V.

S.N. Clark
Bt Maj A.A.I.G.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst Commr. D.C.
Washington June 15th 1867


You are hereby notified that a Board of Appraisers established in pursuance of Par. 3, Special Orders No 92 C.S. from these Head Quarters to determine the amount of rent that should be paid by this Bureau for property occupied by it of which you are the owner will be in session at Head Qrs. Asst. Commr D.C. at No 229 I Street North in this City at 10 o/clock a.m. Tuesday June 18th 1867

Any statement you may desire to make to the Board personally or in writing will be received at that time

Your Obdt Servt