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A.A.A. Genl "

the Board Consists of the following Officers—

Bvt Lt. Col R Reyburn U.S.V. Surg in Chf D.C
Bvt Maj J.M. Brown U.S.V Chf Qr Mr DC
Bvt Maj S.N. Clark 1st Lt 64" U.S.C.I. A.A.I.G. 
2d Lieut F E Town 11th U.S. Infantry

The Board adjourned to meet at 10 o/clock a.m. Wednesday June 19" 1867

Robert Reyburn
Surg U.S.V.

Franklin E Town
2d Lieut 11th U.S. Inft

Commissioned by Sp order 92

Proceedings of Board Continued

Bureau RF and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst Commr D.C.
Washington June 19" 1867

The Board met at 10 o/clock a.m. pursuant to adjournment. All the members present.

Letter from W.W. Corcoran stating that Maj Genl. Howard promised him that the land occupied by Wisewell Barracks should be restored to him or six per Centum on its value paid as rent — he has refused $79.200 for it — That he offered