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Vol. 3. No 688 A C D C 1867
Washington, D.C.

New England Friend's Mission
J C Gove

States, that they will be under the necessity of expending about #300.00/00 for roofing their School House and Teacher's Dwelling, and desires to know if the Bureau will furnish the funds, or part of it.

C- Nov 5 - 1867

Hd. Qrs. Ass't Com'r
Bureau R. F. & A.

Washington DC.
Nov 5th 1867

Respectfully forwarded. I recommend that some aid be rendered these New Eng Friends in making these repairs if all the work is not done by this Bureau

John Kimball
Supt of Schools

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands.
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D.C,
Washington, Nov 5 1867

Respectfully returned (Thro' Rev. Jno. Kimball, Supt. of Freedmen's Schools, D.C.) to J. C. Gove, Supt. of New England Friend's Commission with the information that this Bureau will furnish the Shingles required. —

By Order of Bt. Brig. Genl C. H. Howard
F. E Town
A. A. A. Gen.

E. B. Vol. 4 #318
A. 52. 1867

Received * Nov 20 1867 * A & D. Office. D.C.

Order given on J. B. Johnson Supt Barry Farm Nov 20/67 for 23,500 Spruce Shingles.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: removed stamped reference, no longer required