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Bangor Nov. 22 1867

Genl. C H Howard
Asst. Comr. Freedman Bureau
Washington, D.C.

Dr Sir.  I find myself with two vessels partly loaded & the ice has stopped the mills so that I cannot get the cargoes sawed, and the Masters of the vessels are in fear of being detained in the River and urging me to complete their cargoes — I am at a loss to know what to do — I found a lot of spruce dimention that would nearly conform to a part of yours measd. and could buy it at less price than I am paying for the other & I have telegraphed you for permission to load with this. I have not yet recd a reply, but hope to do so, before night, or early tomorrow morning. I have never known so sudden & severely cold weather here as this season of the year. The River has frozen over & the