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J. B. FOSTER, President.
JOHN F. KIMBALL, Secretary.

Office of the Merchants Mutual Marine Insurance Company.
Bangor, Nov. 21 1867

Genl. C H Howard
Washington DC.

Dr Sir.
The Brig Julia E. Arey, sails tonight & I shall hand you Bill Lading & Invoice by next mail. The ice has made so rapidly in the River that the Mills have all shut down & navigation almost stopped — I have had great difficulty in completing the cargo for this vessel & am much in doubt about being able to get any more Lumber sawed — If the ice does not [[leave?]] the River by tomorrow noon, vessels will be obliged to take steam & get out at once, or lay here until Spring. I think the weather is growing more favorable — will write tomorrow — In haste

Truly Yrs.
J. B. Foster