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War Department
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Chief Quartermaster
Washington, Dec. 9th 1867.

Special Orders
No 92
J.M. Brown, D.O. District of Columbia, will take up the following articles of clothing, and material for the manufacture of clothing named in the annexed list, marked, "A", the same having been purchased under the provisions of Special Orders No 179, War Department, Bureau R.F. and A.L. November 19th 1867, and shipped from New York City to the proper Officer.
He will transfer the same to the several Disbursing Officers of this Bureau, hereafter named, as specified below.
To Bt. Lt Col E.C. Beman
D.O. Nashville, Tenn.
as follows:
Two hundred (200) Blankets
Five hundred and twenty seven (527) yards P.L. checks
One hundred and seventy three (173) yards Cambic
One hundred (100) Hats
Five hundred and thirty nine (539) years Checks
Fifteen hundred and twenty four (1524) years assorted Calico
Seven hundred and forty two (742) yards Delaines 
Nine hundred and eighty six (986) yards Red Flannel
Five hundred and twelve (512) yards Gingham