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Technology Review 
Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. 

Volume 64, Number 1
Edited at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology  
November, 1961 

The Most Wanted Class? 


  Our National attention is constantly being directed to a shortage of engineers and scientists. Insight into this problen can be gained by reviewing the experiences of the M.I.T. Class of 1956. The class was heralded upon graduation by a feature article in Life magazine, "A Quest For Quality In Scientists" ( May 7,1956), and patronized by a then existing economic boom and imagined American technological superiority. To pre-graduation interviewers, this was the nation's " most wanted" class. Now unfortunately the class members, generally, find themselves wanting of opportunity to use their education.The occupational demands upon them are far less than talent consuming. 
  The fifth reunion of the '56 class held this June, disclosed something other than buoyant optimism. Under-utilization of talent, combined with combined unpredictable defense industry layoffs and a personalized awareness that the politics of business control the quality of engineering, evokes from the graduates, an unglamorized evaluation of their profession.
  The class members are not dissatisfied with their M.I.T. education. In retrospect, the education--expansion of thought from the infusion of new ideas, development of technical skills and knowledge, the discipline of persistence and intense concentration, exposure to a certain portion of inspiring faculty members, and acquaintance with an exceptionally select student boy--is characterized as excellent by the majority of the '56ers. They would send their children to M.I.T.--Tech,  money  and children willing. 
  What the  Tech men are disappointed about is the lack of opportunity to use their education. Engineering and science do sift the unknown, extracting  its  fascinations:  however, the vast majority of technical positions are decidedly  ancillary  to  the 
(Continued on page 66)


IN FINE FORM after a summer spent taking photos below the sea, Professor Harold E. Edgerton, '27, as-addressed the Class of 1965 this fall. Here you see him showing one of his many examples of high-speed photography. To see the freshman, please turn to pages 19 and 24.

Editor:  Volta  Torrey;  BUSINESS  MANAGER: R.T.Jope, '28; CIRCULATION MANAGER: D.P.Severance, '38; EDITORIAL ASSOCIATES: J.J. Rowlands, Francis E. Wylie, John I. Mattill; EDITORIAL STAFF: Ruth King, Joan B. Brassert, Roberta A. Clark; BUSINESS STAFF: Madeline R. McCormick, Patricia A. Fletcher; PUBLISHER: H.E. Lobdell, '17.

The Technology Review is published monthly from November to July inclusive, on the 27th day of the month preceding the date of issue, by the Alumni Association of M.I.T; D. Reid Weedon, Jr., '41, President: H.E. Lobdell, '17, Executive Vice-President: Thomas F. Creamer, '40, Carroll L Wilson, '32, Vice-Presidents; Donald P. Severance, '38, Secretary-Treasurer, Copyrighted, 1961, by the Alumni Association of M.I.T.

Office of publication 10 Ferry Street, Concord, N. H. Editorial and business offices are in Room 1-281, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Mass.

An annual subscription in the U.S. is $4.00; in Canada and elsewhere, $4.50; a single copy, 60 cents. Three weeks must be allowed to effect a change of address, for which both the old and the new address should be given.

All correspondence, Editorial and Advertising Matter, Change of Address Notices, Subscription Orders should be addressed to 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge 39, Massachusetts

POSTMASTER-Undeliverable copies return to The Rumford Press, 10 Ferry Street, Concord, N.H.
Second-class postage paid at Concord, N.H. 

Contents       The Cover
The magnet shown produced the most powerful continuous field yet attained, and is further described on page 25. 

Individuals Noteworthy       4
New members of M.I.T.'s Corporation and others who have made news.

The Trend of Affairs       19
A computer teaches freshmen, and understands English; more such machines will soon be next door to the Institute.

Getting Into College       23
A national problem is discussed by Amherst's admissions authority.

A New Magnetic Record       25
The new Magnet Laboratory plans to eclipse its recent feat.

A New Particle Detector       26
Spark chambers aid the search for neutrinos and other strange things.

Wingerson's Corkscrew Effect       27
An M.I.T. student finds a way to remove one obstacle to fusion.

Blood's Behavior Is Disclosed       29
A device invented at M.I.T. is used in medical research.

This Year's Fastest Computer       30
Lincoln Laboratory's FX-1 has a high clock rate and a fast memory.

Books       34
Professor Giorgio D. deSantillana answers some questions about science.

Khrushchev's Ticket       35
An M.I.T. student of communism discusses the party's new program.

Institute Yesteryears       38
Items that were news at M.I.T 25, 50, and 75 years ago.

Staff News       40
Two Alumni join three others as Institute Vice-presidents.