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Institute Yesteryears

25 Years Ago...
It was publicized in The Review for May, 1936, that "the entrance requirements of the Institute have been revised and the new regulations, which permit greater flexibility in the choice of subjects and require fewer examinations, will become effective next autumn. The changes affect particularly those students who cannot qualify under the plan which permits students in the highest fifth of their class to enter Technology without examination....
  "Under the new entrance regulations, high- and preparatory-school students will be able to follow a more general program of preparation for their later work in science or engineering. In addition to a thorough preparation in English, which is considered a subject of fundamental importance, it is also necessary to be prepared soundly in physics and mathematics, on which much of the first year's work at Technology is based. The electives which may be offered include languages; social, biological, or physical sciences; sciences; mathematics, mechanic arts, mechanical drawing, commercial studies, fine arts, drama, or music."

[[margin]] [[?]] Kudos evidenced by medals came to five Alumni, namely: to Frank B. Jewett, '03, the Franklin Gold of the Franklin Institute... to Arthur C. Willard, '04, the F. Paul Anderson of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers.. to Charles A. Kraus, '08, the Theodore William Richards of the Northeastern Section American Chemical Society... to Alfred V. de Forest, '11, the Edward Longstreth of the  Franklin Institute... and to Vannevar Bush, '16, the Lamme of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

50 Years Ago...
The Review proclaimed: "The wonderful unfolding of the Institute of Technology which has been going on for the past two or three years reached a climax [during May, 1911] when within a period of a week, announcement of new sources of income were made which roughly aggregate $2,500,000.
   "The signing of the bill by Governor Foss, granting the Institute $100,00 a year for 10 years is the most important of these developments because this money will provide for the running expenses of the Institute and will allow the gifts of alumni to be devoted to buildings and other specific purposes...*
   "The next important announcement was a gift of $500,000 from Coleman du Pont, '84, a Life Member of the Corporation. This money is used in buying land for a new site... One of the stipulations is that ____.

* Altogether, up to 1921, the Institute received from the Commonwealth about $1,600,000, in addition to the original grant of land; but in that year, a change in the Constitution made all further gifts to privately endowed institutions impossible.

Professor William T. Sedgwick lecturing in a 19th Century predecessor of the Institute's modern biology laboratories.

May, 1961    