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participation in plans for an International Conference on Health and Health Education in Philadelphia, June 30 to July 7, 1962. I join you all in growing pride at the achievements of M.I.T."

F. Leslie Ford of Auburndale, Mass., sends the following: "I have two daughters, Pricilla and Constance. Pricilla is married and has four fine sons. Connie graduated from Duke and is now working in New York. I am taking a leave of absence from my work as architect for Chas. T. Main, Inc., to take a somewhat lengthy trip. My wife and I leave February 23 for Teheran, Iran, to visit my brother Wendell, who was with the class until 1916. He has been in Iran for four years with Geo. Fry Associates installing American business methods in Iranian Industry. His work has been with the beet suger industry which seems to be getting well organized and capable of producing a better economic status for many Iranians. From Iran, we head eastward through India, Kashmir, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan to Honolulu. We will return home in July and will spend the summer at Mattapoisett on Buzzards Bay"... Ray Brooks, our active Class Agent, left his new home in Summit, N.J., and headed south by automobile. He drove without schedule or any detailed inhibitions except that he planned to be in Mexico in March for the annual Fiesta of the Mexico City M.I.T. Club, As soon as he recovered from that, he planned to drive farther north and west, and possibly to end in Honolulu, probably not in his automobile. He will be back home when, as, and if... Bill Neuberg is spending several months in Miami, Fla., promoting the sale of his moth preventative "Kildew"...With General Gavin going to Paris, Ray Stevens has returned from retirement, so-called, to the presidency of Arthur D. Little, Inc., in Cambridge.

Here are a few rules for 65 plus'ers: 1. Before your birthday, keep circulating the story that you are two or three years younger. If people hear it often enough they'll believe it for years. 2. When in the company of younger people, ask their advice on everything. Pretty soon they'll begin to believe that they're older than you are. And brighter. 3. Don't get too fat. Thin people always look younger. We know a man who is 91, but he's so slender nobody figures him to be more than 89. 4. Avoid talking about such subjects as gray hair, Social Security, Lincoln's inauguration etc. 4. Lastly, don't worry about any particular birthday; concentrate on plans for the next 25 years.

Bill Colleary writes from Pasadena, Calif.: "My wife and I drove out here in November to spend the winter with our daughter and her five children. We plan to drive home in May. Our home on Cape Cod (Centerville) is for sale and we plan to establish residence in New Hampshire, which has no (1) sales tax, (2) state income tax, and (3) inheritance tax to spouse or children. About November 1 of each year we would then fly out here by jet with the money saved in Massachusetts taxes. We might establish 1 1917 M.I.T. community in New Hampshire"...Irving Fineman writes: "I don't know whether I should be classed as a renegade (After serving for five years as an engineer officer in the U.S. Navy, and practising civil engineering for five years, and teaching for three years on the engineering faculty of the University of Illinois, I turned novelist, and Simone & Schuster is now readying my seventh book, 'Woman of Valor,' for publication this summer.), or as a prodigal son. (I have served as editorial consultant to RAND Corporation, and am presently engaged on a book about a physicist.) But I offer as mitigating circumstances my two sons: Joseph, graduate of Cal Tech and a Fulbright scholar at St. Andrews, now research physicist at M.I.T.'s Lincoln Lab; and Jonathan, in the U.S. Navy on Radar Ship Mills. As for my 'retirement program'--I just don't have any. There's a book to be written on the relation of the scientific spirit to religion in our time, for which I am doing research in California this winter. That's one nice thing about writing. You can migrate with the birds."--W.I. McNeill, Secretary, 107 Wood Pond Road, West Hartford 7, Conn.; Stanley C. Dunning, Assistant Secretary, 1572 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge 38, Mass.

The world is an urgent place. Night is always pursuing day, youth is in too much of a hurry for recognition and success, the senior citizens feel the pressure of the far horizon, and editors are always screaming there's a deadline to be met...Joe Kelley has left Brooklyn Heights, N.Y., for the pastoral and industrially less urgent scenes of R.F.D. #3 Southbury, Conn...Fred Philbrick reports feeling much better since the urgent need last fall for some repairs to his plumbing. The operation was a complete success, though it has taken a long time to get his strength back. He was married to Hildegarde Mattauch in Miami last January....Urgent also is my need to thank John Markham for helping a certain grandson with a school assignment on aviation. John shared ideas bubbling from the hot springs of his mind, and with gentle grace suggested to the lad that an earned grade of "A" would be appropriate for the glory of M.I.T. The kid made it! All of which reminds us of the Institute professor's daughter who told her father she got the highest mark in the class...of those who didn't pass.

We are still in California where your scribe is far from the founts of information usually available. Hence, the urgent deadline almost compels rounding out with personal news. I have nearly finished my 17th book. This one is on "Mutual Merit Rating" and is being written in collaboration with Henry Wood Shelton, an old associate of Frederick W. Taylor and a former professor in the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Besides ink running down my quill, there have been lectures at various colleges (including the University of California) and organizations like the San Diego Personnel Managers Association. We have also had some stimulating evenings with unusual people, including Dr. Harold Urey who won a Nobel Prize in Physics. It is a delight to observe the working of his mind and his unassuming kindness.

The professor who cares about his students has a lifelong reward of meeting them in various places. Desmond Pengelley '39, is a supervisory engineer for Convair in San Diego and, with 15 engineers under him, is working on guidance problems in space defense. His thinking is literally out of this world! In our conversation he pointed out that the airplane was used first for reconnaissance in World War I. Naturally, the enemy devised means of shooting it down. Soon the plane tried to protect itself. Combat planes and bombers resulted. How logical to expect the same sort of sequence taking place in outer space. It could even be that before long we will have machines that take off, fight at fantastic altitudes, and land again on some airfield.
...We saw Robert Day '48 in Los Angeles where he is now sales manager for Waugh Engineering. He has a lovely family of three children. The oldest is a daughter, about 11, who certainly thrilled this old heart with a goodnight kiss. Readers of last month's column will recall that in driving across the continent we saw cars from every state except Vermont and Wyoming. There is no longer an urgent need to complete the roster. Both were sighted in La Jolla on the same day. We hailed the Vermont car to find it was being driven by a Montpelier physician who was in medical school with my brother. Who says, small world? It's tiny!--F. Alexander Magoun, Secretary, Jaffrey Center, N.H.

In response to a postcard mailing, we have news of several members of the class...George Bond, Paulsboro, N.J., retired on February first. It sounds as though he will have plenty to do as he is active in Scouts, Y.M.C.A, Kiwanis and church work. He has six grandchildren. This summer he plans to drive to California to visit his younger daughter who has twin girls a year old, and on the way he will visit parks and other places of interest...Jack Braverman retired early in 1960 and occupies himself with charitable work with adolescents. His daughter, Nancy Kaplan, lives in Salt Lake City and is the mother of two children. His son, Richard, is with Rittmasher, Adelbert Voisin & Co., N.Y.C...Louis A. Brown, Counsel in the field of COnstruction-Management, reports from California: "My health is excellent my behavior exemplary and no spectacular news to report."...Alexis R. Wiren is doing some writing and considering the possibility of teaching next year. Subject: something related to Management or Personnel. 

We have received from the Institute the following new addresses: Kenneth A. Weight, 1010 First East Street, Vicksburg,