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Southern Surety Company of New York 
HOME OFFICE | Surety Bonds and Casualty Insurance | III John Street


January 9, 1932.

Dear Raymond: 

Purchase of 80 shares of American Telephone stock for account of Realty Trust was made at cost of 112 per share. ($8980.00) Of coarse it went lower than that price, but, is much better now. Lill, Henry, and myself are in favor of taking a profit, such as on yesterday market, if a 10 or 12 point profit wereavailable, but would prefer to have it unanimous, What say you?

On account of Savings account being ex on February 1st, we have borrowed $4000. against the book, which will give us some interest instead of giving bank use of funds for two months without any return. 

Kellogg Street house was vacated on Wednesday. I have returned the Public liability policy, for which I expect about 55% credit. 

Have renewed policy on Old Colony for one year, from January 15th, on this particular policy, which is a Mutual, we receive a dividend of 30%, which is $21.75 on last years policy.

Balance of Needy relatives account, as of January 1, 1932. is $2970.68. 

In regards to Montreal Bank, would state exchange is about 17 3/4 at this time; also that they will not accept an account as a Realty Trust, but will accept one as H. F. B. & W. E. B. in Trust, both to sign. They also will not object to drawing three or four times a month, from this end, as long as fair balance is kept. As long as we have held off so long, have decided to wait until February 1st, if anything is done, in order to get additional interest from Savings account. 

Had to take Trust agreement to Hornblowers for transfer of Telephone. 

Understand Aunt Vit. is visiting at 80 Pearl Street. 

Regards to all. 
Your brother,