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Southern Surety Company of New York
Surety Bonds and Casualty Insurance
Home Office 111 John Street
New York City
William E. Brooks. Agent
2 Main Street
Framingham, Mass.,
February 17, 1932.
Dear Raymond:
Am writing at this time in the line of "Report of Progress" as is.
After the wonderful advance in price of Telephone last Saturday we put order in to sell at 127 1/2 on stop order; with understanding of further rise of five points, stop order price was to be advanced accordingly. Stock was sold at $127 1/4, after which it was sent down to $126 3/4; closing at $134 1/8. However our net profit is $1176.80. Was told by friend in Hornblowers office, that, in his opinion it would be so strong after shorts were taken for a ride. Felt blue after close of yesterday, but today, at about $128 .1/4 it looks different.

Balance of Needy Relatives account to February 15th, with interest to February 1st, also payments is $1975.10. The first check drawn on the Canadian Bank was made yesterday to amount of $16.00 each for account of Archie and Colbert. This is the first check to Colbert. I have his Bank book from Canada, which is empty. This leaves a balance in this account of $1113.00. I spoke about Trust Company sending $4.00 too much, during 1931. In sending one check $1.00 was deducted, in the next one sent; which was the last, $3.00 was deducted. In letter received from Archie, dated February 14th. I think this must have bothered him. While he didn't mention any amount, wrote as follows: 
"I am taking the opportunity to write a few words, I wish to follow the agreement there is between us and through the Bank same as usual and you will oblige" In my letter enclosing check, which will be a new one on him, stated: "I do not understand what you mean by agreement, between us and through the bank." When he gets the letter, it should be better than Ballyhoo.